Friday, January 31, 2020

The Purpose Of Education Essay Example for Free

The Purpose Of Education Essay The world is run by those who are educated and successful. Education is the key to success in life. It is very important for everyone. The role of education is to prepare students for college, prepare for work and help students how to socialize. It allows you to do things that you are not able to do without an education. The role of education is to prepare students for college. During four years of high school, students have many teachers, coaches and role models. School helps students to learn and  develop their skills from the teachers, or the outside environment through experience from their friends. Thinking about college, there’s so much to consider when it comes to getting ready for college: where to go, what to study, how to apply, how to pay for it all, and more. However, the role of education helps students learn a basic level to prepare for a higher level of demonstrated competence in mathematics, science, etc. The quality of education offered to students through statewide and districtwide standards for academic subjects. The public education is to prepare young people learn a basic financial education. The public education is to prepare on how to conduct themselves in college In addition, the role of education is to prepare students for work. The mission of education, as we all know, is to help prepare students for the future. An important element of that preparation involves the development of career skills. Students should be able to communicate ideas and thoughts through writing and speaking. Students learned how to organize something. It helps to Tuan Tran Yon Hui Bell INRW-0305-035 September 21, 2014 get something done better. Students will learn math, science etc. Those will help them prepare for work. Finally, Education helps students how to socialize. They will learn how to respect older people. Treating people with respect makes the world a much more pleasurable place for everyone. Be polite and good manners when you are a kid, practicing good manners is a way to be respectful of other people. These customs function as a way to keep society running smoothly. Education helps students know, care about, and act on core ethical values such as fairness, honesty, compassion, responsibility, and respect others. Students will study and discuss core ethical values Education is important for everyone. The role of education is to prepare students for college, prepare for work and help students how to socialize. It helps you with better future, education is a positive tool. We need to create the conditions for students to grow and develop.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Definition Of Good And Evil Essay -- essays research papers

Throughout human existence, questions have arisen concerning the nature of good and evil. Many scientist, philosophers, and theologians have been intrigued by these questions. Through Augustine’s Confessions and E. O. Wilson’s In Search of Nature, one is accessible to two distinct perspectives concerning the nature of good and evil.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Augustine sets up an argument in his Confession that attempts to define evil. God is the author of everything. Augustine says, â€Å"nothing that exists could exist without You [God]† (Book I, Chapter II). Nothing in this world exists apart from God.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For Augustine, God is good because everything He made is good. Everything about God is good. No aspect of Him is lacking, false, or not good. However, the question of evil and from where it came still remains.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Augustine then asks himself where it was that evil came. Evil could not have come from God; it must have come from another source other than God. Because we clearly see evil in this world, did God allow it to enter? This would seem that God is not omnipotent.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Originally Augustine believed that evil had substance. However, his views changed later where he says, â€Å"If they were deprived of all goodness, they would be altogether nothing; therefore, as long as they are, they are good. Thus whatsoever things are, are good; and that evil whose origin I sought is not a substance† (Book VII,...

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Mt 355 Unit 2

Kinshasa Abroad – African Cuisine and Culture Jennifer Johnson MT/355 – Marketing Research Theodore Alex 5/1/2012 Introduction The purpose of this paper is to refer to the case Kinshasa Abroad – African Cuisine and Culture, define the problems that appear regarding this case, and trying to find answers and solutions to these problems. As it can be noticed in the case, there are marketing problems regarding this business. There are two questions that need to be addressed.The first question is about the type of information that needs to be collected to help diagnose the marketing problem in this case. The second question, however, it is interesting because it asks to create a list of probing questions that should be asked the owner of the restaurant to help him specify research problems and also the manager’s decision problem. Kinshasa Abroad The case goes this way. Youlou Kabasella is an African entrepreneur that had a business running in his own country.It was a restaurant that was opened for more that 14 years. However, since the political context was not advantageous, the owner decided to move with his family in the United States. He manages to open the same business he had in his home country, in the downtown area of Columbus, Ohio. However, the strategy chosen by the entrepreneur with respect to his business may not be appropriate since it does not show any positive results. He considered keeping most of the aspects of his business similar to his home country.The paper tries to identify the problem and spot certain solutions through marketing research. Before getting deeper into this concept, the term marketing research must be defined. According to Churchill, Brown, and Suter (2008), marketing research represents the function that connects the consumers to the marketer through information that is used in identifying and defining marketing problems and also opportunities. Marketing research helps generating, refining, and valuati ng marketing actions; it helps monitoring performance and it enhances the understanding of marketing as a complete process. A research consultant requires various valuable data from Mr. Kabasella to identify the problem of his inefficiency. At first, a marketing consultant would require Kabasella information about his advertising and promotion practices, about the local customer preferences and habits, precise information about the prices and his menu and business activities, and other information as well.Here is a list of questions that a marketing consultant addresses Kabasella to help him with his business problems: 1. How come most of your products are African based? 2. Why did you choose to advertise without using the most important advertising mean which is the Internet? 3. Did you consider doing a marketing analysis to determine your potential competition in this area? 4. Did you consider offering free meals or other points of attraction to try and increase the number of cust omers? 5. Did you consider selling more local products?Conclusion These from above are only few of the potential questions that a marketing researcher needs to ask the employer to help him with his problems. The marketing researcher needs to focus identifying the competition for this company; it also needs to focus on advertisements and promotion to include the company in the list of the customers. The will have to find the proper marketing mix, which refers to product, place, price, and promotion (the four Ps of marketing) to help the company become more efficient and profitable.It clearly needs to add more local meals and drinks to its menu; it needs to use and promote local bands in the restaurant because clients would come and serve meals that they are aware of (at first), and then they may try to choose the African specialties. There are many elements to be considered; the solution to this case is not difficult to be identified and implemented. Reference Churchill, G. A. , Brow n, T. J. , & Suter, T. A. (2008). Basic Marketing Research (7th Ed. ). Cengage Learning.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Why Seek To Raise Equity Rather Than Debt Finance Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 896 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? As the Financial Services Minister Chris Bowen said, Australia is the only major Western nation to have avoided a recession in the worldwide slump. Even though Australia had close financial relationships with Asian countries, it seems that Australias economy has not been affected by other crisis countries. Thanks to the nations well developed capital market and the unique financial regulation system, investors still feel confident to Australias equity market which is the eighth largest in the world. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Why Seek To Raise Equity Rather Than Debt Finance Essay" essay for you Create order This report contains two tasks. The first task of this report was to investigate the method National Australia Bank (NAB) used in raising funds, advantages and disadvantages of other alternatives will also be commented. Moreover, the report presents the reason of a company preferring to raise equity other than debt. The other task of the report was focused on the role of four corporate regulators in Australia: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) and Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). Finally, a recent event ACCC opposed NABs proposed acquisition of AXA Asia Pacific Holdings (AXA) provided an example in which the regulator intervened a companys inappropriate action. Task 2 Discuss Role Of Company Regulators 6 3.1 The Role of Corporate Regulators in Australia There are some of regulators in Australia such as ASIC, ACCC, APRA, RBA, ASX etc. This is the six mainly mission includes monitoring the market; which is monitor a range of sources to detect unsafe goods such as injury and death information, overseas trends, products in the market, product analysis, and consumer complaints. Secondly it can reflect on Encouraging safe practices; which is negotiating product removal, removing  unsafe goods, Promoting good product safety management, making consumers aware of product hazards. Thirdly, working out ways to address hazards can be expressed in product analysis, working with technical experts, working with suppliers and industry associations, educating suppliers and consumers about product safety, issuing warning notices, creating regulations where necessary. Next, regulating hazardous products conducting regulators using bans and standards, regulators will either ban products or require them to meet specific safety standards. Enforcing regulations, which is respond to breaches of product safety bans and standards through a range of enforcement tools, including civil and criminal legal action and monetary penalties. The last, working with other regulators, Australian and overseas regulators of general consumer products and specific products often work together to share intelligence, monitor issues and resolve product safety issues. However, there is some recognition when the regulators are closer looked. Australian regulatory structure: 3.1.1 Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Australian Competition and Consumer Commissions the main purpose of regulate competition policy; promotes competition and fair trade in the market place to benefit consumers, business and the community. It also regulates national infrastructure industries. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with the Commonwealths competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws. 3.1.2 Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) Reserve Bank of Australia, it is aim to System stability and payments system; it conducts monetary policy, works to maintain a strong financial system and issues the nations currency. As well as being a policy-making body, the Reserve Bank provides selected banking and registry services to a range of Australian government agencies and to a number of overseas central banks and official institutions. It also manages Australias gold and foreign exchange reserves. 3.1.3 Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) Australian Prudential Regulation Authority influence on prudential regulation and supervision of deposit-taking institutions; APRA play a critical role in protecting the financial well-being of the Australian community: as a result, high standards are required in everything we do. In our work and in our interactions with others, we value and seek to demonstrate 3.1.4 Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Australian Securities and Investments Commissions regulation impact market integrity and consumer protection; ASIC regulate Australian companies, financial markets, financial services organisations and professionals who deal and advise in investments, superannuation, insurance, deposit taking and credit. 3.2 ACCCs Intervention on NAB These corporate regulators might intervene in certain circumstances if a company acted inappropriate. For example, ACCC opposed NABs proposed $14 billion acquisition of AXA Asia Pacific Holdings (AXA) in 19th April 2010. Generally, the primary responsibility of ACCC is to ensure that individuals and businesses comply with the Commonwealths competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws. It is the only national agency dealing with competition matters generally. It has general consumer protection responsibilities and powers to prohibit companies from substantially lessening competition. Refer to the case, the ACCC chairman Graeme Samuel provided that a substantial lessening of competition in the retail investment platforms market with complex investment needs would be caused by a merger between NAB and AXA. Furthermore, ACCC did not oppose AMPs planned $12.85 billion acquisition of AXA. The reason is ACCC found that NAB was a significant competitor in the provision of reta il investment platforms for investors with complex needs whereas AMP was not a significant competitor in this circumstance. Later, the NAB revised its proposal in which it plan to sell AXA APHs North platform to IOOF  in order to alleviate its competition concerns. In the past month, ACCC extensively investigated the new proposal, and received information from a wide range of resources, which include public opinion through market consultation ended on 23rd March. Its decision would be announced on 9th September 2010.